This blog is earlier published on SAP Community Network Blogs
SAP Web IDE cloud connectivity requires project folder direct below the root node “Workspace”
In the HANA Cloud Platform cockpit I’ve setup a connection to the demo Gateway system. Next, in SAP Web IDE I’ve created a new App folder. As I prefer a manageable overview of all Apps (to be) developed in Web IDE, I created that App Folder in a subfolder beneath the Workplace folder:

This decision however gives problems within Web IDE wrt setting up the cloud connectivity.
Issue 1: neo-app.json generation is not available

Pragmatic workaround for this was to generate it via a test-App folder directly beneath Workplace, and copy + paste that file in MyApp folder. Problem resolved.
Issue 2: The destination is runtime resolved to incorrect address
Testing the MyApp in Web IDE, data is not displayed in UI. Via F12 notify that the connection to connect to the demo system is not correct resolved, and returns a 503:

For a quick test I duplicated MyApp to be directly below Workplace folder, and without making any code or configuration change, ran it from here. And now the connection is resolved, and the App displays the data from Gateway demo system:

I compared the urls generated from Web IDE to the service destination in the 2 situation. The only difference is in the 'webidetesting' part. Apparently there is some "magic" in Web IDE that reserves a dispatching url in HCP for service destinations, and that 'magic' is dependent on the project folder located direct below 'workplace'.
I considered as workaround to modify the 2nd level project in manifest.json and have it use the absolute connecting url to service:

However, that setup runs into a cross-domain issue, and is thus neither working:

The only resolution for this is to comply to the 'implicit rule' of Web IDE, and place the project folder thus direct below root node "Workplace". With the drawback that you loose the option to structure and classify your projects / Apps folders, and all need to be administrated at the same level as sibling nodes. I would rather be able to make in Web IDE visual groups of project / Apps folders per customer and / or functionality, e.g. for HR, Finance, Marketing. Perhaps we will see this functionality in a next version of Web IDE?
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